
evalaによる”音の出る絵画”シリーズ『Score of Presence』をアートギャラリーLOWWにて展示(2023年8月18日(金)〜29日(火)) / evala’s painting series “Score of Presence” will be exhibited at Art Gallery LOWW.


アートギャラリーLOWW(東京都目黒区大岡山1-6-6)にて、2023年8月18日(金)から8月29日まで、evalaの平面作品『Score of Presence』を展示します。

『Score of Presence』(2019〜)とは、evalaによる”音の出る絵画”シリーズであり、空間音響のデータを独自のアルゴリズムによって視覚化したビジュアルイメージによって構成されます。大日本印刷と共同制作した特殊プリントと平面パネルスピーカー技術の組み合わせによって、絵画そのものから音が発せられます。


evala’s painting series “Score of Presence” will be exhibited at Art Gallery LOWW from 8/18 to 8/29. “Score of Presence” is a series of “sound paintings” by evala, consisting of visual images created by visualizing spatial acoustic data with evala’s unique algorithm. In this work, sound is emitted from the paintings themselves through a combination of special prints and flat panel speaker technology developed in collaboration with DNP.

This work, in which colors appear in the black and silver paintings depending on the light and change in various ways depending on the viewing angle, is a “presentation of a score” by evala, who has been composing the space itself, focusing on “what spills out of the musical score,” and is a “playback device of presence” that is left to the viewer himself.

At first glance, the gallery is displayed with paintings, but there is an invisible work of sound.

<展示情報 / Information>
『Score of Presence』

OPEN: 12:00 – 20:00 / CLOSED: Wed.


Dates: August 18 (Fri.) to 29 (Tue.), 2023
OPEN: 12:00 – 20:00 / CLOSED: Wed.
Venue: LOWW (1-6-6 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo)
*Two-dimensional works will be available for purchase. A limited number of direct-cut analog vinyl recordings of music written by evala for this exhibition will also be available for purchase.